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"The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward." : John Maynard Keynes |
The appreciation of my Mortgage Eliminator© system you have demonstrated, continues to convince me that my clients trust and look to me for advice other than simply maintaining their books and preparing their tax returns and financial statements.
To those of you who have purchased and are using the Mortgage Eliminator©, you have discovered my method of getting out of debt faster and beating the mortgage company out of tens of thousands of dollars of interest! It's called the "borrower's right to prepay" and most people don't use this power wisely. The best part is that you can use this successful and time tested technique in many ways. No extra costs are associated with doing so and you reap the benefits by getting out of debt faster, building equity and good credit in an atmosphere where few succeed. It is not a twice a month payment scheme. It is more powerful! Call me!

Arthur S. Rosen CPA, CFP |
225 Gordons Corner Road |
Suite 2H |
Manalapan, New Jersey 07726 |
Phone: (732)446-3800 |
Fax: (732)446-3339 |
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Last Updated: 12/31/97
Mortgage Eliminator ©1997, Arthur Rosen